As of: 02/13/2025
Stop ID# |
Stop name |
Direction of travel |
Location |
Special notes |
11875 | California & Albion | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11911 | California & Albion | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11883 | California & Ardmore | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11903 | California & Ardmore | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11876 | California & Arthur | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11910 | California & Arthur | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11888 | California & Balmoral | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11899 | California & Balmoral | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11889 | California & Berwyn | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11898 | California & Berwyn | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11865 | California & Birchwood | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11921 | California & Birchwood | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11886 | California & Bryn Mawr | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11901 | California & Bryn Mawr | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11887 | California & Catalpa | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11900 | California & Catalpa | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11867 | California & Chase | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11919 | California & Chase | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11877 | California & Devon | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11909 | California & Devon | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11870 | California & Estes | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11916 | California & Estes | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11897 | California & Foster | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
11890 | California & Foster | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11880 | California & Glenlake | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11906 | California & Glenlake | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11879 | California & Granville | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11907 | California & Granville | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11885 | California & Hollywood | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11866 | California & Jarvis | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11920 | California & Jarvis | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11884 | California & Lincoln | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11902 | California & Lincoln | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11871 | California & Lunt | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11915 | California & Lunt | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11872 | California & Morse | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11914 | California & Morse | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11874 | California & North Shore | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11912 | California & North Shore | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11905 | California & Peterson | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
15018 | California & Peterson | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
11873 | California & Pratt | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11913 | California & Pratt | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11878 | California & Rosemont | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11908 | California & Rosemont | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11882 | California & Thorndale | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11904 | California & Thorndale | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11869 | California & Touhy | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11917 | California & Touhy | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
14732 | California/Dodge & Howard | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
12686 | Davis & Maple | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
12687 | Davis & Oak | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14409 | Davis Purple Line Station | Southbound | Westside of the Street | |
3621 | Dodge & Brummel | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
3524 | Dodge & Brummel | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
13156 | Dodge & Church | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
13135 | Dodge & Church | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
14363 | Dodge & Cleveland | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14372 | Dodge & Crain | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
14373 | Dodge & Crain | Southbound | Westside of the Street | |
14730 | Dodge & Davis | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
14374 | Dodge & Dempster | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
18015 | Dodge & Dempster | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
12697 | Dodge & Emerson | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
15543 | Dodge & Emerson | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
14729 | Dodge & Evanston Township HS | Southbound | Westside of the Street | |
14371 | Dodge & Greenleaf | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14370 | Dodge & Greenleaf | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
14377 | Dodge & Greenwood | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14376 | Dodge & Greenwood | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
3526 | Dodge & Kirk | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
3619 | Dodge & Kirk | Southbound | Westside of the Street | |
13112 | Dodge & Lake | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
17911 | Dodge & Lake | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
14369 | Dodge & Lee | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14368 | Dodge & Lee | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
18449 | Dodge & Main | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
12699 | Dodge & Main | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14364 | Dodge & Monroe | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
3620 | Dodge & Mulford | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
3525 | Dodge & Mulford | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
18450 | Dodge & Oakton | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
14738 | Dodge & Oakton | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
17908 | Dodge & Washington | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14367 | Dodge & Washington | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
14739 | Dodge/California & Howard | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14737 | Emerson & Asbury | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14735 | Emerson & Asbury | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14734 | Emerson & Ashland | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
18046 | Emerson & Dewey | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
18045 | Emerson & Dewey | Eastbound | Southside of the Street | |
12665 | Emerson & Maple | Westbound | Northwest Corner | |
12666 | Emerson & Ridge | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
4774 | Foster & Albany | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | |
4815 | Foster & Francisco | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
4776 | Foster & Francisco | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
4818 | Foster & Kedzie | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
4819 | Foster & Spaulding | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
15122 | Foster & Troy | Westbound | Northside of the Street | |
4816 | Foster & Virginia | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
4775 | Foster & Virginia | Eastbound | Southside of the Street | |
11893 | Kedzie & Ainslie | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11894 | Kedzie & Argyle | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11895 | Kedzie & Carmen | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11896 | Kedzie & Foster | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
11892 | Kedzie & Lawrence | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
11126 | Kimball & Ainslie | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11125 | Kimball & Carmen | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
11124 | Kimball & Carmen | Southbound | Westside of the Street | |
11123 | Kimball & Foster | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
11891 | Lawrence & Christiana | Eastbound | Southside of the Street | |
3747 | Lawrence & Spaulding | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
12675 | Maple & Church | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
14408 | Maple & Clark | Southbound | Westside of the Street | |
18345 | Maple & Emerson | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
14756 | Oak & Church | Northbound | Southeast Corner |